
Only 99%?

Unfortunately the intelligent drama is undercut by the actors’ choices to do all the dialogue in outrageous Monty Pythonesque French accents.

I think MS just didn’t market it right. Even for hardcore gamers who didn’t play kinect games, it was very useful for hands-free communication and general xbox commands. We used it at home and even the little kids started saying ‘xbox on’. Killer app for us was skype. with their automatic tracking/zooming. Would be

“The media don’t see us as sexy, fun, breezy, or cool.”

I think its less about being uncomfortable with the human body and more about the now adult baby wanting to get more comfortable with Nirvana’s money.  He was happy and proud of the picture for years and years. Signed autographs, sold merch, etc

Now playing

Left off Georgia Blue by Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit. It releases October 15, 2021. Lead single is a cover of REM’s Driver 8 and features John Paul White. 

Every reply notification links to the article, but does not auto-jump you to the post in question... meaning you have manually search through/expand all the posts to find it.

This is 100% false. these markups are not nickle and dime for a big chain at all. they have scale so multiply that $5-10k extra profit for all of their allocations and its tons of money.

If it was a software or hardware problem explain the two following:

But they didn't mess up. The system uses parallel sensors with different voltages and different frequency pass filters. The sensor input has to be verified by the ECU before it will apply throttle. The engineers who design these systems aren't stupid. They already sorted this out. The unintended acceleration can't

It’s been disproven many times. Toyota’s system is parallel sensors and it’s not a system that can be effected by rf. It really was the drivers. Just like Audi. It’s just idiots like this author who keep perpetuating the myth. Those cars are still all out there. But magically it’s resolved?? (It never existed). And

Hey! Wait! I filed a dumb complaint.”

I dunno who this guy is, but it could easily be that he saw ghostbusters at home at like 8 (which is how I saw it) and had been waiting “his whole life” since then to see it. 

“My subjects! I have a glorious plan for the future of the human race! Please direct your gaze to the screen above for the full details.”

they are the last modern trucks built to last.

The Mongolia special was among the best TV in years, fullstop. 

As a Mopar guy....

An (almost) positive article on those 3 appearing on Jalopnik?
Will wonders (almost) never cease?!?

Say what you want about their schtick (it can get a bit grating) but the Top Gear Mongolia special is amongst the best automotive TV in years.

Who can it be now?

These answers are pretty terrible, in my opinion. The fact not a single one mentioned Blood Libel OR the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the grand-daddy and wellspring of most modern anti-Semitic conspiracy theories as well as, by a circuitous route many “secret global elite” conspiracy theories, including QAnon