
I didn’t catch the license plate, but I’m going to assume that it is a reference to famous, too-soon-dead (age 43, from a heart attack) Marvel writer Mark Gruenwald. What is his signifigance here? Well, Mobius was based on him:

Loki and Eleanor Shellstrop have the same character arc. In this essay I will... 

Yeah, I did the “launch a weather balloon” thing, and it hit right near 100,000 ft, and the photos it sent back were cool, but nothing like this. I think they’re way over-selling what the view will be like. Probably will get sued.

But Gohmert has 16 years of experience being a moron in the House. If stupid accumulates over time, Boebert and Greene can’t touch Louie.

Oh man, you didn’t check in to see how this insane stretch of a nothing-burger was getting roasted over at The Root? Cause it’s getting no traction there, and it feels like their readership should know.

Rural AM radio? Yes, many things. Mostly the fact that it’s a bunch of ill-informed, angry, right-wing loons spouting conspiracy theories and other dangerous garbage.

SpaceX *has* rocket scientists - many of the best.

How exactly did MADtv make SNL irrelevant?

Cosmic Background Radiation has entered the chat.

Its amazing how quickly this thing has been developed to do this. These guys are nuts.

There’s a theory that most advanced alien civilizations don’t want to be blasting out evidence of their existence for their own safety.

Don’t buy the Colosseum then, sheeeeeeesh, all those arches.

Utah’s LDS territory, so it could be some more Book of Mormon. Better find an Urim, a Thummim, and a hat!

I can’t be the only one looking at that sketch and thinking Brotherhood of Steel right?

I think the Mongolia special was the best they’ve done in their careers honestly, but that’s mainly because I fucking loved Mongolia in that episode. 

I wached Seamen while I was on lockdown, fretting about job loss, wondering just how far behind my ASD son was going to fall because of all of the services he was missing due to school closure.

Christians talk about being oppressed and hated, yet Dolly Parton is an outspoken Christian who’s almost universally beloved.

Netflix needs more originals with The Office-sized back catalogs of episodes. Having 100 originals that are all cancelled after 10 episodes is just annoying and doesn’t inspire me to keep my subscription.