
In America, we look up at the big house on the hill and say, “Some day, I’ll be as rich as that bastard.”

I’m guessing a 911 variant, without actually looking in to it at all...

¿Por què no los dos?

List does not include Cabot Cove, Maine.

he killed their original leader, set their church on fire, lashed out at his own wife and child.

Right? Or maybe a nice mixed drink. There are some really delicious options there. Of course, plenty of people just don’t like the taste of things. I myself don’t like the taste of coffee no matter what is put in it. And admittedly I get tired of the people who do triple takes when they learn that I don’t drink

Yeah, it was basically just a refresh lottery.  I just got errors.

This is an impressive word salad you’ve got going on here.

I don’t know. I mean, everyone complains about Xbox not having any great exclusives, those are some pretty popular titles to consider exclusives. Why would they release them on PS when these are titles that will draw people to your console?

“The interception of these counterfeit earbuds is a direct reflection of the vigilance and commitment to mission success by our CBP Officers daily,” -- Can’t argue with that.

We should at least be able to get the body count numbers for Tenet, but.

<cribs basic design so I can develop it for an America's Cup contender>

If my shredder explodes or catches fire, isn’t it just doing a better job of protecting my privacy? Try to reassemble those diamond cuts now!

hey just wanted to say i love you jason and also, subsequently, fuck the haters·

i updated my bookmark to

I actually have more faith in the pledge of a cabal of pharmaceutical companies than I do in the federal govt. That’s where we are now. 

All true. There’s a Catholic priest I knew from my youth that used to have the worst stutter ever, but it would only come out during one specific part of the mass where he has to do a “by the book” prayer thatathat hethe couldn’t talk around and it always tripped him up. Once he got through that, he was fine once

Wow, thanks for that.

Circumlocution for the win!

In one of the recent updates, Apple removed the FaceID error message and delay before the passcode prompt came up. Now, FaceID detects part of your face covered and goes straight to passcode. I think that’s good enough. 

You spent 12 years searching for a non-existent car?