
First, There is no data n how much it costs them to make this product, so you can’t really compare how far the dollars are going.

Where are you getting your numbers? I’m not following your calculations at all. I don’t see anywhere near enough data in this article to make any conclusions about its efficacy/costs vs. other uses.

He did the same with Dark Tower, but did it by shoving elements from SEVEN books into one action flick. He used a few characters names and some settings and then completely ignored the entire point of the series altogether.

I’m sorry... Dark Tower, you say?

“Woohoo! Look at that pavement fly!”

They are typically legal and enforceable, but not in the same way a parking ticket from the city would be. Parking in a private lot is a essentially creating a contract between you and the lot owner. You agree to pay, they allow you to park. If you don’t pay, they give you a “citation” documenting your failure to pay,

My sister and brother in law were supposed to fly to Denver on Southwest yesterday. That got cancelled and the next available flights weren’t until Jan 2nd. Meanwhile, I flew Delta on Monday and even though my original flight schedule got screwed up due to a delay that resulted in a missed connection, they were able

Kentucky. They only started offering them here a year or two ago and you have to jump through hoops and go to a special office somewhere instead of the local DMV branch to get one. I’ve just stuck with the regular non-REAL license because they’ve made it a hassle. Looks like I can continue to do so in hopes that they

Same here. I’m on my third set in a row of the ExtremeContact DWS (I believe they are now up to “DWS06+”). Best all around tire I’ve found. Performs great in the dry and wet. Extremely competent in the snow for not being a dedicated winter tire. And on top of that, excellent tread life.

This will never happen. I just don’t see how you can ever justify making the fastest car on the track slow down and call it the “pinnacle of motorsport.

Honestly, Galaxy’s Edge is awesome, but I didn’t give a single thought to what era it was set in when I visited. I just loved that it felt legitimately “Star Wars-y” and that was enough. I guess I knew it was sequel based due to Kylo stomping around and such, but none of that really mattered when I was there. I was

It can’t be faked. That would require them lying to my boy B2 and making him cry for nothing and I could not forgive that.

I’m still uncertain if The Road is the best thing I’ve ever read, but I am absolutely sure that it is the novel that has stuck with me the most since reading it. I made the mistake of reading it just after my first child was born. I remember sobbing through parts of that book as my infant son was sleeping in his

Is Pantone copyrighting the color, or just their standardized, proprietary way of referring to them? I’m not sure how you can own a “color”, but I can see how having colors standardized and classified could be valuable and marketable.

Moon dust is super fine and really sharp because it hasn’t been worn down by erosion. The Apollo astronauts had a lot of issue with it getting everywhere when they came back in. The added a vacuum process to later missions to try to cut down on the dust floating around once they returned to zero G. Even then, many of

The amount emitted from some stoves was up to seven times California’s recommended safe exposure limit.

It strikes me that I have plenty of both Dr. Pepper and bourbon available to me right now without having to jump through any hoops.

I had a summer job once as a lot porter at a dealership where one of these was wrecked on a test drive.

This show is legitimately really good. So good that my wife, who ignores all Star Wars, was sitting on the couch next to me working on her laptop and I noticed that she stopped typing at many points and was taken in by the story. 

I did as well. I think it has something to do with HOTD and Rings wrapping up for their seasons and my brain just linking Andor in with them. I am quite pleased to be mistaken.