
Absolutely. I’m just baffled why you’d want to drop one in a MarioKart watch and why someone would want it. Why not get the one without the silly videogame tie in?

Parlement CEO George Farmer said that he welcomed Ye to the fight for free speech.

That tourbillion is doing a lot of work to justify that price here. You can get a nice quartz version of this watch for around $1500 (I have one) and even if you get the Calibre 16 automatic version, it’s still only about twice that.

Do we know that any money has actually changed hands? The press release just says they’ve agreed that they will be on the third flight. It could very well be that the signed a deal and agreed on the price, but payment won’t be due until later.

SpaceX timelines do slip, but they do happen. Often far quicker than the government or other space companies.

Agreed. The writers have said they view it as a form of some leprosy-like disease he contracted from sitting the throne. He’d likely be aging fine if someone else were king.

They were awful and yes, they were shot day for night. Bigger issue is that Miguel Sopochnik directed it. He also directed the long night episode of GOT that no one could see.

Judging from the reviews, it sounds like this is one that will build an audience over time. Audiences seem to love it.

The lighting in “Driftmark,” particularly in the nighttime scenes, is so dark that I had to turn all the lamps in my living room off to make out anyone’s face. It’s the same issue that plagued pivotal Thrones battle episode “The Long Night,” which was also directed by Sapochnik.

I can definitely see that. I just fit comfortably and you’ve got me by 2 inches and 100 lbs.

The booster won’t fit. You can get two of the three in the back, but once you put any child seat in the rear, the middle seat becomes unusable. It’s basically a four seat car, as most compact sedans are.

I daily an IS and I am 6' 2'’. 

It really depends on location. In an ideal setting, they can last pretty much forever, but in areas where the heat in the base can’t adequately dissipate (like an enclosed fixture) or in areas where they can be subject to high humidity (like a bathroom), I’ve found their lifespan to be significantly shorter than

A lot of Europe is that way. In many ways, the First Amendment and the US approach to freedom of speech is really radical (and I say that in a good way).

But a random guy he just met? I could see him maybe lashing out another of the Princess’s suitors, but this was just way too much of stretch, more lazy writing for shock value.

I feel like now would be a good timed to point out that there is a huge difference between the RICO case described in this article and a civil RICO case.

Meh. I am done caring about what these people do. At this point, if someone is “investing” in crypto, then they have to accept the very high risk that they are being scammed.

Sure, I guess Rhaenyra would find it hard to get over her father marrying her best friend, but 3 years have passed. It would have been new and refreshing to see the three get along and be happy.

I watch with captions to catch the dialogue, and the dragon was named Sea Smoke in those. I haven’t read any of the books, but I assumed based on the name that it was one that the Valeryons had.

The initial conversation shown in this episode between her and the King had a TON of undertones — on the surface, it was about the King and his daughter and how to build on their relationship, but the subtext was that the same words they used could be seen as Alicent basically her inviting him to make a move on her.