
Basically, it means driving like a nut.

She called the cops on her own fiancé after learning that he’s the boss of the Tracksuit Mafia (Funny for her to not have been able to figure that out without Kate’s prompting, given that she runs a security company).

I firmly believe that if we ever got Keanu, Dave Grohl, and Tom Hanks in a room together for more than 20 minutes, all the world’s disputes could be solved.

Exactly. They are the ones telling the story and they are possibly the most unreliable narrators of all time. Nothing about this story has to be accepted as true. It is just the gang making up/misremembering the entire incident.

Given how most VPNs are only as good as the company that runs them, is there any reason why something like Apple’s Private Relay system isn’t “good enough” for most privacy concerns? I’d trust Apple much more than many of these VPN companies.

This is so incredibly short sighted by publishers. If anything, these types of reviews and deep dives drive sales for the publishers. As long as they are showing short clips, it drives interest in seeking out the source materials for complete views. I don’t get what they are worried about preventing here.

Verstappen and Hamilton’s disputes aside, I’m not sure that track should be on the calendar next year without significant changes. So many high speed blind corners with a major chance of crashes. I watched parts of that race with my stomach in my throat as the cars sped by a ton of debris on track that could have

This is the same group that got into trouble for hiring a bunch of football players from the University of Oklahoma to “work” no-show jobs in the pre-NIL days of the early 2000s. Ended up with the Sooners’ starting QB at the time getting kicked off the team.

Realistically, you need to compare it against other games with ostensibly no shot-clock, such as poker. The difference with poker is that there are pieces (cards) you can’t see, and so an uncertainty factor arises again.

SpaceX doesn’t do hopping rides. You may be thinking of Blue Origin.

Doesn’t much matter to the point I was making. You’d still want the stock price as high as possible.

Except Tesla just turned down a 1 billion Euro government loan from Germany, because they got burned the last time they took loans from the US. They paid those earlier loans off early, even paying early repayment penalties to do so, because the terms the loans came with were to awful for them to continue to operate

No one believes Musk on this point, because it simply isn’t true. SpaceX is currently valued at $100 billion. If he needs money for SpaceX he could go public tomorrow and raise all the money he needs.

NASA is the federal government. There is no way that the US is going to nationalize SpaceX, especially when everything they’ve done in the last 20 years is geared toward pushing more and more to the commercial side.

If Musk really wants to have a launch per 2 weeks, that’s 33 x 26 = 858 engines a year, just for the 1st stage, not even counting for Starship. That’s a lot of Raptor rocket motors he needs simply to bring the costs into line. Roughly 35 per launch ultimately. Definitely a lot of motors. Does he even have the market

And I suppose the Saturn V had nothing to do with exploring the moon, either? This is a stupid argument. There are launches on the schedule right now that simply would not occur without SpaceX. For example, shifting the Europa Clipper from the phantom SLS to FH saved NASA $2 billion in development costs and allowed

SpaceX isn’t a public company.

Typically, you want your stock price a high as possible at an IPO, so you raise more money for the company.

Let’s be perfectly clear: SpaceX has done literally nothing at all in terms of space *exploration.* They are doing good work in space *commercialization* - getting to the point where bringing people into space is fairly routine. But they have done nothing when it comes to leaving Earth orbit, and this fiasco is

As another poster pointed out previously, Falcon Heavy has flown successfully with damn near 30 engines already.