
First, its plenty big enough to get to Mars and back, but even using your logic, the only way you can build something massive in orbit like you are proposing is to have something like Starship to lift all the pieces to LEO to be assembled.

Really the myth is that all seasons aren’t fine in the winter. For all but like, 5% of the country, they are. All season in 2021 are totally different than the ones that weren’t sufficient in the cold 30 years ago.

They also likely made more than $200,000 in the process.

You are correct, but a small amount of hydrogen is still needed to make the methane in a Sabatier reaction. You can either bring along a small amount or rely on finding water on Mars to use electrolysis to make it there (which is what SpaceX is hoping to do with Starship).

The progress made on Starship to date and the future development plans would seem to challenge many of the assumptions in your post.

Or, you could just bring some hydrogen along and generate methane on the surface.

Agreed. If the screen really is that delicate, then it should have been sent back with instructions that it wasn’t ready for public sale until the engineering team figured out how to make it more durable.

If you are involved in litigation or potential litigation, especially when it involves claims relating to certain apps on the phone, the last thing you want to do is change or delete anything on that phone. If she were my client, I would have demanded at least a forensic image of the phone.

ICBMs actually do go out into space, but not deep space.

I’m just glad they found a new flag. I was bummed when they took the “Don’t Tread on Me” flag, because it is an awesome design with some cool history behind it that they ruined with their political movement.

Never heard of the overheating - I assume that was the Xbox One Kinect?

Kinect was unfairly maligned. I loved that little thing. It was great for skype and would have been awesome for all those social zoom hangs everyone did during the pandemic. The wide view and autozoom was so much better than sitting in front of a laptop.

The change I hated was a few versions back when Siri forgot how to use the speakerphone.

Every time I’ve looked at VPNs, this is the problem I’ve run into. While you are privatizing your browsing from most of the world, you are also giving your VPN the ability to see everything. You better trust that company completely. Despite all the promises, I’ve never been able to get to that level with any VPN provid

I’m not looking for flashy new features, though. I like what Apple has been doing with recent iPhones.

Yep. I read they brought along sedatives and zip tie restraints, just in case someone had a freak out up there and put the mission in jeopardy.

Let me get this straight. Your complaint is that two weeks to allow them to package everything up into a television episode showing the cool footage is too long to wait? 

How many AWD systems transmit anything to the rear wheels until slippage is detected?

I saw both of these on stage in the last few years and I would agree with that assessment. I knew very little about either going in. All I knew was that DEH was a big hit and had cool staging and Come From Away was somehow about 9/11. I expected to HATE Come From Away based on that description, but I was blown away

Notably, neither of the families are denying that their kids pilfered about $1 million worth of bitcoin from an unsuspecting man several countries away. Instead, their argument is that the statute of limitation has already passed; because Schober waited three years and change to file suit against the families, they