
This is correct. St. Elmo’s is the only one that has a shot at meeting the author’s desire for more horseradish. Not only is it delicious, but it is spicy as hell, thanks to that horseradish.

because I’m tired of his off-the-cuff comments that end up fucking him and the whole party in an election that’s far too important. (That’s where the senile accusations come from.)

I agree. Hamilton, Verstappen, and LeClerc (in that order) are my top choices for best drivers in the world right now.

It always existed in my heart, Blockheads.

My god. It is absolutely perfect. Just stunning.

As to your first paragraph, I didn’t say he was doing it altruistically. There is a huge market of underserved people and SpaceX happens to be in the right position, with the right technology, to deliver a service no one else is willing to offer at the right price point. He’s going to make a TON of money doing this if

Musk had nothing do with the changes you’ve mentioned here. In your first post, you claimed “he’s destroyed the night sky” and in your second, you talk about ground based light pollution. Your argument is premised on a slight of hand.

People like Elon Musk are why we have many nice things.


The answer is that they were almost certainly not in their final orbits yet. The plan for starlink is for one or two satellites to be visible to you at a time, with handoffs occurring as one drops below the horizon and another rise. It’s neither necessary nor cost effective to have dozens of satellites above one

I was firmly in the “no protector” camp until I got the iPhone X. This is my third phone (due to my own water dunking incidents — thanks AppleCare!) and having had multiple screens to compare now, I feel as if the OLED screen is softer than the previous LCD models. I got lots of small surface scratches just from

Also, the freaking Raptor doesn’t have a V8 and how have those sales been? Fan-freaking-tastic is the answer.

Honestly, does anyone really think a Raptor engine isn’t going to be dropped in this 18 months from now when sales start to slow?

Yeah. I have to think those numbers are either missing a decimal or are dealing in “apparent temperatures” or some voodoo marketing like that.

As someone who sits near that back of the theater for most shows, I was unaware that this was a thing. I thought it was a choice by him to convey some of the “madness” of the king. I was all ready to give him props for an interesting acting choice.

That covid factory in the seat a few ahead of yours is leaving a cloud of virus for you to ride through as they scream through the drops. No thank you.

I’ve been telling people this all along. The movie is a ton of fun. What else do I need from a Star Wars movie? I feel like Solo was more “Star Wars” than many of the main sequence movies.

The most troubling aspect of this primary is how the state closed hundreds of polling stations in the most populous areas. Usually, there are 3,700 polling stations across the state. Tuesday, that number was cut to 170, leading to long lines of people being cut off from voting.

It’s owners of Tesla who are reporting issues. Them hating Tesla is an entirely different study (and based on other surveys, I’ve seen, Tesla owners actually adore Tesla, even with these issues).

Loved Hamilton, but I agree with you on Book of Mormon. I was bored to tears by it (and I had gone in really looking forward to it).