
The best bet would be to try to duplicate Beshear’s map.

This Kentuckian voted for Booker by mail last week.

Jesus. I don’t think I realized how bad it had gotten. I mean kudos to you for living the car nut dream, but you were teetering on hoarder territory there. Once junkyard Kias start to pop up on your property, your hobby starts to officially become a problem. 

The more you tighten your grip, ABoyNamedSue, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.

Makes me long for the return of the Kinect. Other than the crap hardware failing every 8 months or so, it was a pretty useful little gizmo.

Thanks for the clarification. I hadn’t considered that aspect.

All three shows were brilliant.

in most states, the 4-7% sales tax due is pretty much a deal breaker for a lot of private sales over a certain price...

If that means our liberal principles must be temporarily compromised, we must find the courage to do it.

Speculation I’ve heard centers on his not making sure Boeing was part of the lunar lander selections.

Counterpoint - Yellowjackets are bastards.

This is undoubtedly true for aerosolized viruses, sure. But does the same hold true for large droplets, like those in sneezes and coughs? While there has been speculation that COVID may or may not be transferred by an aerosol (like breathing) all of the official guidance to date focuses on droplet transfer.

This is a contradictory claim, since sneezing and coughing are symptoms, so more likely these people are in denial of their illness, which is a very different thing.

As i understand it, he would no longer be president pro temp following a cancelled election, because the balance would shift once the 1/3 up for election are dropped out.

Batteries and gas in TWD’s universe follow the same rules as Fallout. It stays usable forever until found.

“The law is clear that any American—including a Senator—may participate in the stock market based on public information, as Senator Burr did,” Burr’s lawyer, Alice Fisher, told CNN.

Look, there are a lot of problems with any episode, but this one doesn’t have quite as many holes as you suggest.

It is a cure, just a very narrow one that isn’t available to most people. This wasn’t an accident. The doctors here were trying to cure the HIV along with the cancer. This guy just got incredibly lucky that he happened to be the perfect candidate for the study.

It’s not a problem for small people, generally. The issue with reclining isn’t that it takes up a few inches of room near your chest. The issue for taller people is that the recline bangs into their knees, which are often touching the seatback to begin with.