
Only three missed days for the month! Yay!

Damn the universe, dammit!

Back in the day, my dad rocked the Nokia 8810, which had the sliding action of the phone from The Matrix, but it was chrome plated...

Whoops! Wrong article! Damn you, Kinja!

Thanks! *virtual high five*

I have an 18-day streak! Still, slow and steady, doing five knee pushups a day. I’m going to finish off the month with that.

Oooh... I should do that! Thanks for the idea! the smell of garlic and onion on my hands when I cook...

I didn’t take video... I was too lazy (I’ll be honest, LOL!), but it also ties back to me overthinking things...I’m keeping this real simple. Just the fact that I’ve been consistent is reward enough for me right now. :-)

Only missed two days in the month so far (damn you, cramps!)! I’m doing five knee pushups every day - no more, no less. I tend to over think things, so I’m not adding, subtracting, or modifying anything for the month, I’m just trying to build up the habit.

I’M IN! :-D

I’ve only started using it at the beginning of this year, but so far, so good! It will definitely scratch that tick-off-your-list-everyday itch. It also gives you a nice graph showing the growth of your habit over time, and some other statistics, like your longest streak.

I missed the two days over the weekend (menstrual cramps and whatnot), but I’ve been doing five knee pushups every morning. I’m keeping score with Loop Habit Tracker for Android.

*existential crisis triggered*

[...] we tend to believe that we deserve someone’s love just because we gave it a shot.

So...when is Shep’s Mom coming back? We miss her. :-)

So...when is Shep’s Mom coming back? We miss her. :-)

I like your approach!

I don’t think so... I didn’t see it listed. :-(

Awww yissssss! Time for a Rurouni Kenshin rewatch, bitches!

Holy crap!