
Thanks! It’s okay, I’ve kinda accepted my lot in life...and hey! It could have been much worse for me! So in a way, I’m lucky too. But all in all (like you said), everyone has struggles, and everyone’s messed up.

You’re a lucky bastard. :-)

You’re’s harder said than done for me, at least (since I regularly take antidepressants). I tend to overthink things. :-)

I agree with you, but I think Patrick’s overarching point is not to put the weight of all your aspirations on one day...when you can choose (and have!) any day.

I like your approach! I can see the idea of themes really helping to drill down on the important stuff and keep you on track.

I really like this idea! Mind if I steal it? :-D

Wow, thanks! The ‘internet cynicism and uber criticism’ as you put it can be really draining, no? Everybody just needs to chillax.... And if that means not wasting time trying to hide my flaws, then so be it!

Thanks! That’s exactly it... Gratitude and consistency are my watchwords, I think. :-)

This is going to sound really pathetic, but last night I ended up crying because I felt so overwhelmed by just the thought of the new year and all the things I want to do to improve my life (and all the ways I failed to do that in the previous year).

“For <SMALL MEASUREMENT OF TIME> per <LARGER MEASUREMENT OF TIME>, I will endure the frustration and shame of ____________.”

Thanks so much for the advice! You make it sound so easy, LOL! But you’re right...if I can get over the planning stages, that’s half the battle. :-)

I wish I could be as cool as Shep’s Mom when I grow up...*sigh*

I wish I could be as cool as Shep’s Mom when I grow up...*sigh*

I know a guy who absolutely feels like you as well...LOVES to cook (he even cooks for his dog!).

My mum tried to teach me as a child, but she said I was always pouting, LOL!

Thanks! The hardest thing will be making it a habit...

I have memories from a young age of my mother cooking in the wee hours of the morning before work, or late at night after work, for our family of five. To me, she always looked so tired. Then on top of that, my idiot stepfather (whom she left after 20+ years, thank the stars) would complain, “Oh, this again? Ugh!” How


Eating healthier = cooking more meals at home

Thanks for the advice! I do want to join a gym eventually (I like lifting weights), but I’ll have to do some financial rearrangements first.

Holy crap, that is amazing! Thanks for telling me your story - I’m totally inspired!