
But Sebastian Spence was so hot, though! *drools*

Which is a cooler name: Indominus Rex or Imperator Furiosa?

Maybe if I squint my eyes, twist my head just so, and take a swig of rum? ;-)

PETTLEP just rolls off the tongue, doesn't it. ;-)

This is awesome! Have a star!

I totally get you, man...I do. :-D

Oh, wow! I didn't even know they had that...looks very nice!

You're going to love your Noctua fans...they are exceptionally quiet and the build quality is superb. Even the packaging is lovely! People like to complain about the colour scheme and I'll admit, I didn't really quite like it, but it's grown on me. :-)

I think you've hit the nail on the head there...imposter syndrome is a real issue for me as well, since, as AbeVigodasSon mentioned in this thread (and I tend to agree), we're comparing ourselves to experts in the field.

We should form a club, because I swear I go through the exact same thing. :-)

The word knave does sound a lot more glamorous!

My favourite version of the saying:

I see you followed through on your goal, Alan!

Whoops! Sorry. :-(

Now playing

Real people. It was a web series on YouTube.

I came here for this...thank you.

I honestly don't have a lot of friends (long story that involves depression, etc.). I asked an acquaintance of mine if he knew anyone that would be interested, but I think all the people he knows are busy with work, spouse/kids and whatnot.

Is there a way to find like-minded individuals and play internationally (like over Skype, for example)? In my neck of the third-world woods, it's hard to find players...


When you demonstrate what you know to the people you already know, they're likely to introduce you to other people that might need your help.