
This was beautifully written, Eric. I really appreciate your brutal honesty. To share so much about your past in an effort to help others is brave and honourable.

I totally dig that.


But seriously, Michelle Obama's hair looks amazing.

If you decide to keep Random Encounters, then perhaps you should make its publication schedule itself random? You sound as if you're really busy, so publish it when you feel like...when ever some truly random strikes your fancy.

Oh lordy...I found the review!

Ah, makes sense. Thank you!

X-Play sold me on it too. I seem remember Adam and Morgan talking about how high the Japanese developers had to be to come up with something like that.

Sorry, what do you mean by 'cut a room'?

That is some Game of Thrones level shit, right there.

I'm curious about this as well.

Well, the full quote is:

Those look perfect!

… the girl of my dreams, the one I'm going to marry,

On Point could probably draw more lands than you need, then 'crop in' to the part relevant to the story. That way you unconsciously restrict yourself to a rectangle.

I still have PTSD from that level...*shudders*

In-ear headphones are so weird for me...I mainly use them when exercising and sometimes they're fine, but other days they hurt or make my ears itch (probably an ear wax issue). But they mostly do the job.

I just watched it. I hope they get a full season order...its really good.

I think she means 15 minutes over the allotted time?

We're all rooting for you! You'll get to it somehow, I just know it. :-)