
That's a shame (both the smell of your sister's house and the "lost" rifle). I am crossing all my fingers and toes for you to at least get a good photo of the scroll. :-)

It sure as hell has aged a lot better than Armageddon.

Darn...I wish you could get it from your seem like a more worthy keeper (no offense to your sister).

That's okay...thank you so much for taking the time out to reply.

The results were less than spectacular.


When I do presentations with PowerPoint, I take the lazy way out and put the key images in the slides. It's a win-win, because each slide prompts me to remember what I'm talking about, and the audience isn't put into a coma with a wall of text.

Hey, I was wondering if I could ask you about something completely unrelated to tampons (haha!), since we're both women of the same nationality. :-)

Try, seriously. Reddit has it's creepy corners, but there are some crazy talented sleuths there...I'm sure they can help out as well (or know someone who can). They can be really amazing with these kinds of things...a lot of them will piss their pants to hear such an interesting historical story.

Amen to that!

One thing that helps me in (both the preparation and) the actual delivery of a presentation is to approach it as if I'm telling a story, like I'm explaining the plot of a film or sharing a juicy piece of gossip.


Ah, I see...Hadfield's mental fortitude is definitely on a higher level than mine. By the time I envision every scenario, I'm paralysed with fear because my imagination is so vivid. It's another thing I'm working on. :-)

We should start a club. :-)

This was a really great review...and I swear, you must be reading my mind!

Phew! *wipes sweat from brow*

That would have been hilarious!

I love books, but I love reading more.

I agree. It would have been nicer to choose the viewing distance first.