
Oooh! Definitely have to check that out! Thanks!

Yeah, I use a 'swizzle' motion.

That sounds plausible, but I don't religiously clean my ears on a schedule, only when it itches. There have been times when I don't use Q-tips for ages...then all of a sudden, my ears get itchy.

Especially when excess wax causes your ear to itch.

No need to be condescending. I'm going to politely disagree with you. Go ahead and have the last word; I won't be replying. Have a nice day!

He's only talking about SyFy. It aired on SyFy only in April of this year, and now in October it's being announced that their doing a reboot to be aired on Syfy. Bricken isn't talking about the European TV ecosystem (because yes, this series is 'old news' for them).

To clarify: when it was aired on SyFy.

Any recommendations for replacement for Adobe Encore?

The "That was quick" reference was in relation to when it aired, not when it was made.

Watched this when I was 9 on VHS. At the end, my whole family was like, "WTF?!"

Nice humblebrag, old man. :-P

Well said. To continue on your tangent...I'm Agnostic, firmly follow my system of morals/ethics, and meditate on the Litany Against Fear to help with my anxiety. :-)

I swear...I glanced at the top photo and thought I was some sort of art installation...dicks preserved in semen filled condoms...*shudders*

Thank you so much again for the gift of your kindness. I'll keep your words close to my heart...especially in my darkest days.

I remember when The Limited got name-checked by Rachel in Animorphs, and I read that back in 1997, LOL!

Oh, wow! Thank you so much for your reply! It is helping me more than you know, and for that I am grateful. :-)

I totally agree with you. I am a naturally and extremely empathetic person. But it's very hard to be that with certain people...the ones whose remarks I would take personally. There's one guy in particular who seems to have been raised by wolves, and would take my comment and make a nasty reply for no good reason

Amen to that. It even makes me pity them, for a bit.