
Nuh-uh. Too morbid for me...I'm struggling with a fear of death, so no thanks!

HALP! What should I do?!

Thanks for the link! I'm researching parts to build a new rig (my first for many years) and although I had a Z87 mobo picked out, I may go for a Z97 instead (I hadn't known they came out).

Not sure if this counts, but when I lived with my dad and he had cats, one of them pissed on my bed. It smelled so bad I had to sleep on the couch for a week and half. I tried all sorts of chemicals to get the smell out, to no avail.

Touché, pussycat! :-D


Alan wrote about this on Lifehacker a while back:

It's things like this that make me wish I had friends. :(

An excellent post, Alan (as usual)! Like the pomodoro technique you describe, your article is simple, to-the-point and effective.

Thanks for the feedback! I've been spending a hell of a lot of time reading A Game of Thrones, et al. (I know, I'm tardy to the party, LOL!), but I need a break from all this fantasy soon...a good reminder to get to reading Pattern Recognition. I'm also interested in reading Leviathan Wakes, based on the reviews here

Oooh! I missed this! Thank you!

Fantastic write up, Esther!

LOL, me too!

My step-brothers and I called that 'stink play'. We relished it. :-D

The original Stargate film.

WHAT? Why did it suck, exactly? I need details!

Consider yourself lucky...I, too, was spoiled by the trailer. The movie ended up feeling like an extra long mediocre episode of The X-Files.

Do you go by just 'Ash' now (or is that only you're screen name)? Because I like Ash. :-)

This does help! Now I'm itching to read it; thanks!

Apologies, my comment wasn't clear since I used the word 'reinstall' erroneously...I uninstalled the beta version and installed the version you linked to. Everything seems to be working so far. Thanks again!