
I think I'll uninstall it then. I was under the impression that the beta would upgrade to the stable version, but I guess I was wrong.

Thanks, I'll check it out. I may follow azisles02's advice and do an uninstall/reinstall.

I'm updated to the latest version, but it still says 'Beta'.

Back off, you motherfucking bitches...he's mine.

Dammit, ya beat me to it!

I never synced my email with my phone...bullet dodged, LOL!


Film: X2: X-Men United (2003)

This is such a good comment; I wish I can star this a thousand times! I especially like your point on utilizing the reader's brain...I always get hung up on how much description to give.

This is pretty much why I gave up on my plans for a career in research, although I still dream about it. When people ask, I spout out crap about the economy and lack of opportunities in a third world country, but it all boiled down to feeling like dumbass all the time. It didn't help that I was (am) struggling with

Thank you for pointing me in the right direction. I'll read up on it.

Is that a dead body in the top photo?


As someone born and living in the country where the steelpan was invented (Trinidad and Tobago, woot!), I approve this video!

Yay! Nine Inch Nails in the trailer!

This is so beautiful! I love it!

Whoo! Fellow Trini! *high five*

Hot dayum! Ty Ty is looking fierce!

I think the simple answer is that this game is not for you. :-(