Johnny Utah Surfs For Justice


The Ocean's 11 franchise is to your parents as the Transformers franchise is to your nephews.

It's okay as long as Kate McKinnon is still on SNL, she's like the combined talent of Joe Piscopo, Cheri Oteri, AND Jim Breuer!

That was a very droll post. Thanks!

You sound like a cliche internet put-down.

Because it's a pointless comparison with no basis in reality. There is no significant parallels between their two careers other than they both started off on TV.

"Shia LaBeouf has entered a weird stage of his career. He used to be a lovable kid actor, then he graduated to the kind of “you’re going to be a star no matter what” roles that Chris Pratt gets these days…"

"Standard movie release jump"? That's not a thing. Where was this supposed "standard movie release jump" for DC when Batman v Superman came out?

"Nighthawk is one of Marvel’s lowest selling monthly titles, but it’s in pretty company down there. Howard The Duck, Mockingbird, Moon Girl And Devil Dinosaur, Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat, and The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl all hover in similar sales territory, and these are all some of the most inventive, exciting

And this is why I didn't like the Legend of Korra series finale because having Korra and Asami get together then not having to ever explore their relationship further because the show has ended is just weak fan service that emboldens these Tumblr/Reddit assholes into thinking they wield actual power to influence the

"We’re not saying that they shouldn’t try to cast someone as a young Lando, we’re saying that it’ll be nearly impossible to do it right."

"You come at the king, you best hook that fish!"

That R rating will certainly keep all those young kids and teens clamoring to see the new Mike Birbiglia film out of the theaters. Darn it to heck.

"The pursuit of the Pokemon is not unlike humanity's pursuit of meaning in a chaotic universe. The ever increasing darkness of mortality never far from our minds sends us spiraling downward in our desperate scramble to land upon the planes of sanity where we hope to find the shining grace and beatific splendor that is

And of all the great cosmic Marvel characters to choose from for Kurt Fucking Russell to play and Gunn goes with Ego the Living Planet?

Elliot was committed to a mental hospital by Darlene after he killed Tyrell and she got rid of the body.

The A.V. Club turned into nothing but Great job, Internet! articles so gradually I almost didn't notice until this comment I'am now using to make my complaint.

It was the summer of '95 actually. Unless you were a time-traveler in which case I apologize.

Chinese-Hawaiian Canadian native U.S. resident born in Lebanon. Whoa.