Johnny Utah Surfs For Justice

Yeah sure this sounds like a terrible idea but I love how Barsanti is so utterly incompetent with his incredulous snark, "Also, the movie will somehow be a “gritty and grounded hard-boiled crime film” that takes place in the ‘80s and just happens to be about a criminal who dresses like a clown." Really that's your

How did I stumble onto this freshman poli-sci essay when all I wanted was to read a bunch of "Holy Bat-puns!" comments?

Barry better run into Max Mercury while he's chillin' in the speed force. The Zen Master of Speed should help Yoda his ass back to Central City and competence.

The idea that Snyder is somehow a rabid right winger because he wants to do a Fountainhead adaptation is odd if only because nobody considers Angelina Jolie a conservative even though she tried to get an Atlas Shrugged movie made for years.

So that's what Return of the Jedi would've looked like if David Lynch had directed it.

Marvel Television is a co-producer on this and Fox's upcoming X-Men series.

"Longshot theory". I see what you did there.

Matt Ryan was great. It's too bad the show was on NBC instead of Fox or the CW which would've probably given it another season to grow at least.

Edward Norton is "absolute perfect nerd-casting" to play John Constantine? That's a new one on me.

Maybe another variation like Indigo from the first season. But I really look forward to Brainiac 5 showing up to see how they play the classic Supergirl/Brainy relationship from the comics.

Looking forward to Kara and Mon-El finally giving it a go as a couple until Mon-El inevitably succumbs to his lead poisoning, only to be saved by the Legion of Superheroes in the 31st century where he will have to remain.

Is there a reason Eleanor didn't just write "Eleanor - This IS The Bad Place!" in the note she hid with Janet? Other than that would be too quick a resolution.

What's an AV Club article about superheroes without needless Zack Snyder bashing?

Johnson has a hand in Episode IX's story but Trevorrow and his Jurassic World writing partner are handling the actual script and who knows what they'll do to it.

I look forward to Episode VIII because Rian Johnson wrote and directed it.

I get the feeling they've not been allowed to use the character because Marc Guggenheim one of the producers on Arrow mentioned The Question was a favorite a few years back and it is weird that they still haven't managed to work the character into the show.

You mean except everyone that watched Justice League Unlimited and read the Denny O'Neil/Denys Cowan Question series.

The biggest continuity error in this episode was when Frankenstein said that Lily had a fuller bust than Miss Ives. Really, Doctor?

I was thinking that it would've made more sense for the show to have made the Nate character instead be Rick Tyler, Hourman/Rex Tyler's son from the comics (or grandson for the sake of the show's continuity), instead of Commander Steel's grandson, so they could implement the whole time prophecies power that Rick had.

Very enjoyable episode. Hit all the right notes to move the show forward without getting bogged down in adjusting to the new shooting location and cast additions.