Johnny Utah Surfs For Justice

I'm slightly disappointed in Littlefinger. I gave him more credit than to want the Iron Throne for himself. I always expected that he was too smart to actually want the crown and the enemies that come with it when he could place a puppet ruler on the throne while he remained the true power behind it as the Hand of the

"Insert lazy dig at Batman v Superman aanndd DONE. It's gold, Jerry, gold!"

Looks like we've reached peak post-Sean O'Neal Newswire failure. Or would that be a valley?

Jude Law was being looked at to play Superman during the time when Wolfgang Petersen was supposed to direct an earlier incarnation of a Batman vs Superman movie which would have also possibly featured Colin Farrell as Batman.

I was hoping for Joaquin Phoenix.

What about the monthly Question series by Denny O'Neil and Denys Cowan? Those are the best.

"If there was any lesson to be learned from the recent Batman V Superman and Captain America: Civil War, it should be that a little bit of heart goes a long way in making a compelling story."

Not to mention it's tone was just as dour as Man of Steel. "Deadbeat superdad with stalker tendencies who occasionally lifts heavy things" is not a very engaging story.

As I mentioned below the previous High Septon didn't do an official walk of atonement nor has it been said by the High Sparrow that Loras is facing one for his "crimes" unlike Cersei and Margaery. The historical events that the writers used to base these walks on were largely endured by women.

Right I'd forgotten that scene but if Loras wanted his imprisonment to end so badly why hasn't he already given in and agreed to his own walk? The High Sparrow has never mentioned that as being an option for him specifically. He obviously preferred the larger political statement that would come from shaming the two

Has it even been implied that he would be facing the same punishment cause I've not heard any of that talk from the High Sparrow. The walk of shame has only ever been mentioned in regards to Cersei and Margaery.

In no way is Ser Jorah a superfluous character. In fact I'd say that his greyscale makes him a rather important one since his quest for a cure will undoubtedly take him to the ruins of Valyria where something very important to the main plot will take place.

Not to mention the rampant misogyny of forcing women to walk around naked while people yell "Shame!" at them and saying a woman's duty is to her husband's needs.

Great. Now we'll never get to hear Ian McShane say "You're the Hound now, dog!"
What a wasted opportunity.

Sometimes I think in this age of Tumblr, being willfully obtuse is just a prerequisite for many a pop culture blogger.

I went through my own small battle with depression when I found out she married Dax Shepard. VERONICA & LOGAN 4 LIFE!

I fully expect a shit ton of think pieces to be written if Ghostbusters flops with titles like "Why audiences failed the Ghostbusters reboot".

“I don’t really have a problem with it. I actually thought it worked.” He added, “I understand that Superman has to have that no killing policy, even though I think it’s outdated.” - Bruce Timm on Man of Steel.

Yeah I kept wondering while I watched it why everyone seemed to be so head over heels for it when to me it plays like a warmed over superhero version of Shoot'em Up.
And I'd rather watch Shoot'em Up again.

Suicide Squad is very likely going to be a hit.