Johnny Utah Surfs For Justice

"Vinyl is the brainchild of Martin Scorsese, the young Jagger…." Uh that's a weird way to refer to a 72 year old man cause Mick is the Jagger that co-created the show, not his kid.

It's the kind of music that wins Grammys and has your pretentious college roommate refer to it as sounding "authentic".

But are there more jokes or less jokes in this than Guardians of the Open Mic Night?

The only way she could become the star of SNL is with a cast this mediocre.

Kate McKinnon is to this SNL cast as Joe Piscopo, Jim Breuer, and Cheri Oteri were to theirs. A medium talent but unfortunately essential to the show.

He did drink from the Cup of Semi-Eternal Life along with Savage's other lead henchmen so he could show up again.

Just notice it happens way too often but boy howdy, you really socked it to me, big guy!

One day you guys will spell Zack Snyder's first name correctly. Today is not that day.


So you're saying it won't be dull?

Hit too close to home, eh?

I realize that many people react to Zack Snyder, the same way Republicans react to Obama.

What is this unholy combination of Adam Sandler and Andy Samberg?

That's like a dollar for every "YEAH!" said in their songs.

MADtv aka where Kate McKinnon should've ended up if it were still around today.

Well Katie Rife got to be snarky about the first iconic female superhero finally making to the big screen while also misspelling Zack Snyder's name for the thousandth time.

Are people going to keep upvoting that insufferable Marvel shill as the top comment under every review of this show?

"What if Qui-Gon Jinn had been played by Michelle Yeoh? (Who, let’s face it, has much better swordfighting bona fides than Liam Neeson.)"

Now all it needs is Wil Wheaton involved and you can definitely count me out.

I think they got lost here on the way to Tumblr.