Johnny Utah Surfs For Justice

The Girl With The Temporary Dragon Tattoo subplot needs to go away.

Both Palpatine and Count Dooku are from super wealthy families and inherited a fortune plus they probably secured a huge amount of money from the banking clan who were one of their allies during the Clone Wars and helped bankroll the Separatists' droid army.

Her company's name "Geek & Sundry" is so twee and precious that it drives me into a fit of rage whenever I come across it.

"that particular film featured Tom Hardy talking on a cell phone in a car for 85 minutes, proving that Hardy is capable of talking in a normal voice."

You'll be hearing from my attorney Harvey Birdman.

It may have cut out a lot of subplots from the book but L.A. Confidential is still brilliant.

Well that's what I get for never wanting to listen to Chris Sims's whiny fanboy voice.

He's mentioned a few times in the letters page of The Fade Out that he's working on an HBO show right now, but he can't say what it is yet.

Well TRAFFIC is actually a piece of shit, but the rest are good.

He is pretty insufferable and very overrated.

He already did that in the TV movie "Mary, Mother of Jesus" in 1999 and the Virgin Mary was played by Pernilla August aka Shmi Skywalker, Mother of Anakin.

That whole roster is just one big panderfest for more Tumblr attention.

When Taran Killam and Kate McKinnon are your star cast members, you know it's a terrible era for SNL.

I'm disappointed that this newswire was written by McCown instead of O'Neal.
You can't just substitute one Irishman's snark for another and think we won't notice, AV Club.

I don't even care about this video, but now I can't stop thinking about which actors from Wes Anderson's films should play which X-Men characters.

Bouncing Boy was just in the latest issue of Justice League United.

"Go Set a Watchman"? Alan Moore is gonna be pissed!

This is crazy talk. You're crazy talking. Weller's voice was perfect as was Michael Emerson's Joker.

I've never understood the whole stalker vibe thing. Ray Palmer reminds me more of a superhero version of Hank Scorpio.

He did a great silent film impersonation of Christopher Reeve's Superman.