Johnny Utah Surfs For Justice

Will there be enough people to fill the place after she's blocked everyone that follows her on Twitter?

You might want to check out the All-New Miracleman annual that just came out a few weeks ago.

This guy really has a thing for dragons.

Fincher turned into Brian DePalma so gradually I hardly even noticed.

Also, Nolan haters.

You promise?

Just like BLADE!


Yeah they just found it that day, she goes back to it and next thing you know they're Steve McQueening it after the kidnappers.

What are the odds that Beth's kidnappers drive right past where Daryl and Carol have just found a working vehicle and can hop in for a little Smokey and the Bandit action?

When the readers did.

Yeah, I can hardly contain my excitement at people's lack of imagination in their Halloween costume choices.

I know, right? I mean Marvel already has a release date set for the Black Widow mov…. oops.

This opinion never gets tiresome! EXCELSIOR!

He's the hero the Jews deserve.

That's strange since I would say that MAN OF STEEL's depiction of Superman owes a debt to Bruce Timm's angrier, more proactive version from the Justice League Unlimited.

Neil Young and Crazy Pussy.

I would love to see a Thor film with actual Vikings.

Well if they keep making Thor movies as dull as The Dark World, I would prefer to just read the actual mythology.

Thor and Iron Man may not have Superman or Batman levels of name recognition but they aren't totally unknown.