Johnny Utah Surfs For Justice

Without the Winter Soldier comics story, Marvel doesn't have a great concept for a sequel that introduces Cap into the modern world with subversive layers of depth that help bridge the character's more idealistic black and white perception of the past to the more complex nature of the present.

Ant-Man is still an Avengers linked character so Marvel is probably more invested in how he's portrayed.

Guardians of the Galaxy is the outlier in almost every way because mainstream audiences have no idea about the comic.

Well the concept of the Winter Soldier provides a lot of pathos and interesting story possibilities even if they weren't slavish to all parts of the comics in the film.

This is crazy since Edgar Wright had been shepherding this film from day one.

So, an oval?

Goyer says out loud (in a podcast, so OUTRAGE) the kind of dumb shit that fanboys say to each other all the time and fanboys get angry about it.

The culprit, a juvenile delinquent named Jason Todd, was arrested a few hours later and for some reason, released into the custody of billionaire Bruce Wayne.

With no sound on the video, can we be sure that Solange didn't say "Hail Hydra!" before attacking?

SHHHHH! Don't say anything nice about Man of Steel or angry fanboys will get angry.

Oh look, Sava is shitting on DC and lapping up everything Marvel announces. So, it's Tuesday.


Yep, but it's a Marvel book so Sava has to bend over backwards to give it a positive spin.

This ridiculous interpretation of the movie never gets old.

Disturbing, sure. Shocking? Only if you haven't watched Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones or any number of cable shows that have been breaking taboos for awhile now.

Maggie and Glenn have become insufferable. Remember when Glenn was the plucky underdog you rooted for instead of being part of a co-dependent couple who can't be out of eye-sight of each other for longer than a few minutes? Oh, the melodrama!
(Lauren Cohan sure is pretty, but she only has two acting moves: constant

Battlestar Galactica: overrated show or the most overrated show?

Downvoting should really still be working for whenever someone tries to praise Kevin Smith's more recent work.

Bodhisattva and the Infinite Sadness.

And for the zombies, it's all Flavor Country.