Johnny Utah Surfs For Justice

The space-corn is voiced by Tom Hardy.

Interstellar isn't a summer tentpole, it comes out in November.

Nice assumption, but not at all true. I'm just not a fan of convoluted storytelling used to obscure one dimensional characters and wooden acting.

Bosworth was only 22 when she got the part and had none of the qualities needed to portray a hard-nosed globe-trotting journalist who now finds herself as a mother, a position no one including herself ever expected for her to be in. None of that came across because Bosworth was far too young and girlish to play it

Even with Goyer's awful dialogue, Amy Adams inherently gave Lois Lane more gravitas and strength than Bosworth could ever muster. Bosworth was too young, too blond (which meant she had to wear that horrible wig), and she came across like a petulant teenager toward Superman rather than a strong working mother (which

Nine Inch Nail'd it!

Okay, so you are a Snyder hater. Glad you cleared that up.

It's about as a good an adaptation of the comic as you could get. But most people can't see past "Directed by Zack Snyder".

Listening to "Brave" in Windows commercials trying to get me to bravely keep purchasing Microsoft products in the face of Apple's dominance?

This is the truest statement of all.

Piz deserves no respect. VERONICA & LOGAN 4EVER.

Inhumanity #1 was pure drivel of the Bendis variety. I guess Oliver just can't bring himself to give a Marvel book a bad review.

Drinking and time travel is how you end up with Biff running Hill Valley.
I expected better from you, O'Neal.

Up voted for the use of "frell", cause I'm in the middle of a Netflix binge of Farscape.

"Now don't you think it's time to embrace the calzone?" - Ben Wyatt.

I think Abrams went for too many fanservice moments and that wrankled a lot of Trek fans to no end, because of how clumsily they were handled.

I agree (even though I found Nero an uninteresting villain), but with this still being Kirk & crew, you knew that eventually characters from the original series or films would be used. It was inevitable Khan would show up at some point.

Still a very entertaining film with a couple of groan inducing moments.

So we all agree that "Killed The Tank" can be used as the inverse of "Jumped The Shark" from now on, right?

I couldn't say, cause I haven't smoked enough weed to really give it a good thinkin'.