Johnny Utah Surfs For Justice

SPOILER: Amy Poehler and Kristen Bell have a catfight while Adam Scott makes faces at the camera.  It is quite enjoyable.

"The Wizard" is like a video game version of "Tommy", but with more autism.

I think it's more "Next of Kin" than "Roundhouse" if we're talking Patrick Swayze oeuvre.

One step closer to that Goonies sequel, right?

DVDs and flat-screen TVs just don't carry the same kind of malevolence that VHS tapes and boxy television sets do.

Red Letter Media and "very funny" don't go together.

This Transformers sequel looks weird.

I love this book, but the praise for this issue is reaching hyperbole status.  I thought it was a clever conceit at the start, but began to lose its charm when it needed to reveal actual plot points.  A fun issue, not revolutionary.

Damn, Linden!

Hollywood is afraid that if they cast Asian actors, they'll just have the urge to re-cast 30 minutes later.

As God as her witness, she will never go racist again!  Probably. But not hungry!  Definitely not hungry.

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What I want to know is why is it so hard for people to spell Zack Snyder's first name properly?

Just recently read or re-read a ton of Superman books in anticipation of "Man of Steel".

Yes, Sean, I will buy your book of poetry inspired by the classic Atari game Burger Time.

I was hoping this season's experimental episode would reveal that Bob Benson is actually a grownup Bobby Draper, who has time-traveled to the past in order to change the future.

Talk to Shane Carruth, he's the one that made that contradiction happen.

Are we still acting as if "Primer" was anything but a fairly interesting piece of tedium?

Any elaborate plot that ends up with you in a hot tub with Lizzy Caplan is an elaborate plot worth doing.

Girls, you know you better, watch out, some governments are only, about, taxing, taxing, taxinnnnggggggg!!!!