Johnny Utah Surfs For Justice

808s & Heartbreak is underrated.

The best thing Bon Iver has ever done is collaborate with Kanye.  But I freely admit that I hate Bon Iver.

As much as I loved The Winter Soldier storyline, I can't help but feel like it just won't have the same impact on screen, because of the underwhelming way Bucky's "death" was handled in the first film and the lack of emotional resonance it had on the plot overall.

And I believe it was Redford that helped Richard Donner convince Warner Bros. that it would be ridiculous to cast a big name actor as Superman when he said something along the lines of the audience won't be saying "Wow, it's Superman," they'll be saying "Why is Robert Redford dressed like Superman?"

How is this not called "The Big Bong Theory"?   MacFarlane, you're slipping.

I think you meant to say Community.

I'm going to need you to include an out of nowhere slam on the New 52 in your Sleeper Omnibus review even though the majority of the characters in it have nothing to do with the reboot and it was always meant to be a standalone title.

Is Jonny Beef Stew going for the EGOT?

"Lindsay Lohan: The Buddha of Beverly Hills" coming to E! this spring.

The Obama economy brings down another small business owner. 

This was the movie that every fanboy walked out of the theatre saying, "Dude!  When they make an X-Men movie, Van Damme should totally play Gambit!"

Welcome to another edition of "DC is terrible and  Marvel can do no wrong!"

Welcome to another edition of "DC is terrible and  Marvel can do no wrong!"

Consider this die-hard Blur purist's heart and mind with the original, thanks.

You keep saying that and I keep watching BANSHEE instead.  No regrets.

When Ann Perkins seeks a sperm donor in a short amount of time, it's my understanding that Leslie Knope has ways of shutting that whole thing down.

They should've done coke off of Allison Williams' ass.  It looks like a flat enough surface.

I hope there's a show hosted by an empty Tom Ford suit.