Marcy Lewis

I always wonder why more productions don't use the first scene of Taming of the Shrew, where it turn out that the rest of the action is just a play some actors put on to fool a drunk guy into thinking he's a gentelman (it makes sense when you read it). That way, the speech at the end would have a different

How did you think she was Michelle Shocked? Twenty five years ago I spent many hours in my dorm convincing a friend that Michelle Shocked was never a Go Go, and I thought she was the only one who had made that mistake. I'm not trying to be snarky (I'm far too old for that) but I'm really curious now to see if that was

Definitely- its the same post as the mom parody of 21 pilots, all of the let it go remixes, those god awful car commercials...such blatant pandering.

I’m so sorry about your aunt ( I read the other posts before replying). This is no way excuses the righteous mom-rage that gets thrown around on and off-line, but there is a weird time (I’d say from birth to age nine or so) where you are literally wrapped up in the care and nurturing of a kid to the point that being a

One good thing I did find out this weekend-that first novels take the longest, and the average is three to five years. One writer urged us to think of it as our own training to set us up for when the next novel's on a deadline of eight months.

It breaks me to say this, but it’s fresh in my mind, so—I just spent this weekend at a genre writers convention, and as a fan got to see a number of mid list authors selling their books. What I noticed was that the writers who were either A) conventionally attractive or B) over/under weight, but making a real attempt

My Mom still tells the tale of getting mugged at the 96th street stop in 1964.