Then you don't understand. Wait until it happens to you, or a family member, or a good friend. Then you'll get it :(
Then you don't understand. Wait until it happens to you, or a family member, or a good friend. Then you'll get it :(
Funny until the cheap gender gag. How about stop pulling that shit, Conan.
I was with this until the Beiber gender gag. I dislike Beiber, I'm Canadian so it is mandatory, but cheap as fuck gender gag ruined this segment for me.
To everyone saying it is just a joke: That's the point.
Cry me a man river :P
IMO the talk is a part of the ongoing communication. Better to over communicate than under.
Yup. All that. My little one is 9, already had the talk with them. 'No matter who you are, or what you want, gay bi or straight, I've always got your back.'
I've come out to my folks a few times (poly, bi, trans), and I've been lucky that every time they have provided me a level of support/acceptance. My relationship to them hasn't changed. I'm very thankful even if they have never exactly been 'yay you'.
You're awesome :)
Over 1000 species have been documented engaging in homosexual acts in the wild.
Then you have never worried about losing your entire family by just telling them something about you.
You're in fantasy land. On your own. Have fun.
How can I backpedal on something you said?! This is like arguing with a puddle. Your inherent stupidity is appalling.
Actually my entire point was someone on pot can still be abusive as hell. You're the one that says 'pot made your ex mean'. I never said that once but hey, you have an agenda, you go.
You're a major asshole who promotes your own agenda over other people's experience.
Not helping by giving my experience. Poor you. Not every weed story is positive, mine is not, but it happened so fuck you.
Nothing condescending about that, right?!
Thank you commie Canada. For showing that North America can have sanity!
Screw gun culture and the inane supporters of it in the USA. Enough!