
What does your comment have to do with me not caring about it?

I was born in England but escaped.

Small boobs folks should support each other - unlike our oversized bras.

Did you really LOL? Because that wasn't funny. You might be very easy to entertain.

Is this somehow rhetorical?

And again - this Internet thing; does it need explaining to you? A LOT of Jezebel readers will not be from the USA.

OK as long as it's a comfort thing and not pain related. I just worried a bit :)

"I'm not sure about the breakdown, but if even half of his Twitter followers are in the UK, how exactly would that be helpful for an American show?" They have TV's in England to. Also, this Internet thing; does it need explaining to you?

Joking aside, is it hurting when you are sitting not wearing one or emotionally uncomfy? If it's the former you should go have a word with a doctor.

I only wear a bra when jogging. I only get the odd uncomfy moment on long sets of stairs. Other than that I'm good.

Aw. Free those tiny tata's! Unless you don't want to. Then don't :)

Small boobs = no bra wearing. Go me :)

Did you read above? This was covered. The naming follows the notion though. Male Spider-man. Oh we need a female superhero, how about Spider-woman. That works and is not lazy and pathetic in the slightest, right?

Oops, It's not the stork was the younger one, "It's so amazing" is the older one.


'Batgirl' title does.

No, not those. The latest is a book called 'It's not the Stork!' the next one I'll give her when she turns 10 is 'What's happening to my body?".

Got my daughter an age appropriate sex ed book when she was 7. Got her the 10 year olds version for her 9th birthday. She knows her stuff and educates her friends too.