Marcy Long

Ah yes, us feminist, women Bernie supporters just don’t exist! Bernie is more pro-choice than Hillary even is. I’m tired of this false argument.

Now playing

From the description of the first video above:

Now playing

A candidate for Congress explains why Sanders’ supporters got angry:

Oh cool, white dude asking 100 women to pose nude for difficult-to-decipher performance peice about “the sacred feminine” for a bunch of people who are already too dense to give a shit about women. Thank you, smart arty man, for figuring out how to communicate for us! We should’ve just been holding up mirrors and

It’s a fucking opinion piece. About events that have not yet happened. It’s not supposed to be unbiased.

They are awful and we hate them.

Please, please. Let’s not pretend that there is any conflict of interest here. Autism Speaks are a hate group, not a charity. They are trying to stop us being born. They do not listen to us. They give very, very little money to autistics. They have always (until very recently) supported the nonexistent ‘link’ between

How do vaccines cause autism?

What I'd like to see is a Secretary of the Interior who's a Native American (I'd ideally like to see a Native American President, but baby steps), a Muslim Secretary of State, and a Secretary of Defense of Arab descent.