Marcy Long

Straight-haired lady with curly underlayers, can confirm the jealousy. All I get is tangled limp-noodle hair.

Wow, you’re reading a lot more into my original statement than is actually there. I do not favor the censorship of art. I also do not favor the censorship of people like me who disagree with any particular piece of art. I can personally dislike this without feeling the need to shut it down.

I could care less about nudity, like any functional adult. We all got dangly bits, whatever. I do, however, object to a man using the nudity of women to further his own exposure, especially when he does so in predatory fashion like the sushi image I posted earlier.


Eh, I’ll be first in line to admit that most art is gibberish to me. But my googling turned up a series of shots of the guy posing over a naked sushi lady, so I’m not sure if I am supposed to be moved or profoundly thoughtful or what, but it mostly strikes me as creepy.

Man wants to advance the cause of woman, tells 100 women to get naked for art. Yeah, I’m not impressed either.

For me at least, it’s because she is practicing that juvenile stage of feminism where “equality” necessitates rejecting all things feminine and beating the tar out of men to prove your value. It’s just another form of internalized misogyny that most of us get over by second grade. But since a lot of men find it sexy

Not that I particularly want a Trump presidency, but what has changed since February? Clinton’s approval ratings have only gotten worse and her e-mail scandal isn’t going away. She is mathematically the candidate now but still losing states, and she will lose both WV and OR by unprecedented margins for a presumptive

Looks like Drake sided against the Brotherhood.

Yeeeah, you condescending to me about events I am quite familiar with isn’t a great strategy to win me over. It’s also amusing that you think you know my age, “puppy.” I probably know more about the Clintons and their policies than you do.

Haha, ok, I am 12 years old. I don’t think she is politically brave at all; her convictions shift with the public winds and she has one of if not the most powerful political operations in the world at her back. What an underdog. More than anyone else, Clinton has the power to be an aggressively progressive voice and

If she really wanted to win over the Berniecrats, she’d choose Tulsi Gabbard or possibly Nina Turner. Gabbard in particular will be president one day if she avoids major scandal.

Both candidates plan to campaign up to the convention because of California, so just vote for whoever you most want to represent you on the world stage. For me, that was Bernie, because I am not in favor of Clinton’s style of interventionist foreign policy and regime change. I also value climate change action and