I gave up on the tips line eons ago, but thanks for the reply.
I gave up on the tips line eons ago, but thanks for the reply.
Off topic, but you may want to look at this posting on reddit as it involves this site.
Dear Roger,
Its timeless good looks
I really detest MMA but I think I'm now in love with Susan Schorn. Great post.
Can fap to one on right, cannot to one on left.
Hofstra: Also known as grade 12.5
The NFL is getting a lot of flak over these recent events, and rightly so, but let's also not lose sight of the fact that our legal system is letting these guys get away with stuff that the average Joe would be behind bars for.
Won't the terrorists hear the cool soundtrack music and run before they can strike their targets?
Roger needs to go.
You can do both, this is not an either or proposition anymore than caring about head injuries and enjoying NFL football.
Happy wife, happy life.
In all fairness, she left herself wide open for that hit.
There is no double jeopardy clause in the NFL, Rog.
Gimme a #10 can of cocktail sauce and I'm set.
Fuckit. Up-armored Mercedes 600.
Maybe they should contact Malaysia Airlines for assistance?
To replace the police departments around the country with heroes like George Zimmerman.
I'm SO upset right now. I can't even talk to you. I'm taking my penis and LEAVING this thread.