
Because that’s how it has been these past few years. Ever since The Mary Sue declared that they’re boycotting Game of Thrones for what happened to Sansa, despite gleefully covering Theon’s torture for the course of two seasons without an issue. It was expanded upon by multiple other outlets and fandoms, all with the

You do know that just saying “you’re informed” doesn’t help anyone, right? Examples would be nice. Like, are you saying that a huge part of the GG controversy doesn’t have to do with the close knit ties between journalists and developers and marketers?

1) Sources, please. And GG was called that BY people like Sarkeesian and Quinn, when Quinn herself was under scrutiny for things like doxxing charity events and attacking others online. It didn’t help that their friends all belonged to gaming media, and began the whole “these guys are ALL misogynists” thing, despite

1) Did not know about the 100 women thing, though that just raises questions why it’s used as a gender thing - seeing as everyone gets harassment on some level or another, and according to studies it’s men who get more from other men on a daily basis.

There’s a difference in using offensive language and just ordinarily talking. Using language that is known to offend means that you’re seeking out a reaction. Making a Watergate joke and having someone start yelling that it’s offensive because they’ve made it appear in completely different context in their head is

1) It got one senator who was vying for more votes involved. Not congress. It DID get a huge amount of court cases though, each of which Quinn either lost, or dropped out of - despite being represented by a huge team of highly expensive lawyers.

Offense is never given, it’s always taken. Just because some people go around saying that everything offends them does not mean that others should apologize to them for perceived slights. That’s not how the world works.

If you’d read up a bit, you’d see that it really isn’t. Quinn just lied again by omitting the next two lines of dialog that make it expressly clear it’s a Watergate joke:…

What did they exactly put her through? Cause last I read off a news site, she was in court over a first amendment issue where she was being represented by a huge team of lawyers that cost hundreds of thousands. This doesn’t exactly sound like a person who was having troubles with being heard.

Nintendo doesn’t know who Zoe Quinn is, and Nintendo doesn’t care. Occam’s Razor says it’s a Watergate joke, especially since the Fungi dance group have been in Mario games since 2001. This is not a controversy, it’s nobody trying to make themselves a thing by projecting problems to where there are none.

He’s in the social 1%.

Everyone else has gotten over viewing characters like that except for the SJW’s who keep saying that minorities and women have to be treated different. That, to me, just makes them sound more ridiculous by the day. Nobody here cares what Rhodey’s skin color is, but rather how important it is that a fan favorite died

Oh good, you’re being sarcastic. For a second there I was worried you were actually serious and thought that comic books are somehow enforcing century old crimes.

How is it chauvinist? It’s a fictional character. The same way how I felt about multiple characters on Lost, regardless of gender. It’s only today on the internet when people can’t seem to separate fiction from reality and start acting like disliking Sansa is some affront to women everywhere. Get a grip, grow up. It’s

I remember when season 1 first started, and it was near unanimous that Sansa was terrible. Over the years she’s been constantly pulled out of situations by everyone around her, with little to no agency of her own, but now it’s been turned into a taboo to ever point that out. Meanwhile, Arya has been kicking ass all

And Universal is playing the long game, as more and more of their films are geared to appeal for Chinese markets, allowing for them to shoot products there and get a more stable foothold on the area. Just because there aren’t dollars available instantly, doesn’t mean that they don’t know how good the success of

That’s not a “what if,” it’s fact based on what’s happening. Someone needs to get out more.

Because people somehow feel that criticizing fictional characters that are women makes you a misogynist. It’s the internet today, nobody seems to understand the difference between reality/fiction, so they equate any disliking for Sansa as a personal affront to every female in their life.

Oh you are so adorable!

THIS. So much this. It’s also so convenient for people to just brush off Sansa criticism with “oh, that’s just sexism” when people have been able to praise and criticize Arya, Brienne, Cat, Cersei, the Sad Sneks, Margaery, and every other female character on show in equal measure, but poor little Sansa is somehow off