
Ah, the good old “hysteric women can’t think for themselves” argument.

Nope. Nothing in the film supports that. If you want to think it’s like that, that’s cool and great fan fiction, but the film is very, very clear on what he’s listening to.

Again, it was Tony pushing HIS guilt on everyone else. That included forcibly putting Wanda into isolation against her will. That’s just not how you negotiate, especially when you try to keep it a secret when getting Cap to willingly neuter himself.

Again, nothing in the film supports that. Not a single thing.

Because otherwise you’re creating fan fiction for a movie that is not only not supported by the film in any way.

Tony didn’t give him a twelve hour window, he just said “you’re coming with me” and that’s it. He wasn’t willing to listen or do anything but force his way in this. Even Widow saw that.

Because why would he tell T’Challa a fictitious story about his own dead family?

1) Nope, it was convenient that this happened, but Zemo’s plan didn’t start until after he had tortured the former soviet soldier. He even says that what happens next will either involve many dead people, or is going to be very quick and easy. The soldier doesn’t tell him anything, prompting Zemo to go on a killing

Also, that final fight was STARTED by Tony. It was Steve that tried to calm him down and talk the situation through. Tony was every bit as guilty in this.

Except that they had already taken Bucky in once, and he’d escaped. Even when Tony DID finally listen to Cap, the government didn’t. Cap had literally no reason to try reasoning with Tony at that point, especially since they knew that time was of essence.

Ehhh, not so much. Tony basically comes in and says “this is the way it is” and gives NO alternatives. He does exactly what Steve would always be against: telling others how to live their lives. But Tony, from his anger and trauma, can’t see beyond his own self. It’s a mutually assured destruction scenario.

“You couldn’t have done that earlier?” (regarding whipping Spidey out with his hawkdrone)

“... I hate you”

That theory doesn’t hold water, since it would make his entire monologue at the end pointless - and the Russo brothers wouldn’t include that there for no reason.

This is Jezebel, didn’t you know that everything is literally rape?

Based off his voice I thought it was Ed Harris returning as the Numbers Guy.

Edit: NVM, read wrong.

Rogen and Co basically said that they’re not even interested in doing the adaptation like it is in the comics - which just fucking weird that they’d even bother to fight the studios in bringing Preacher to the screens. Just go make something else then.

Would be utterly bizarre a choice to save him for a second season, seeing as he’s the major driving force behind the fire under Jesse’s ass.

The Lone Ranger was the first time I realized that io9 wasn’t above writing flat out falsehoods and hyperbole to drive home a point, which like learning that your parents lie to you.

There’s a lot more silly gatekeeping in science fiction than there used to be. A lot of people are deeply invested in keeping other people from loving the things that they love. No, I don’t get it, either.