
You did start your argument with insulting me, so... well, yes.

Oh boy, someone really got their feelings hurt. Let’s see now:

By presenting facts in a calm and collected manner? One of us is very confused here, and it’s not me.

But again, nobody is owed representation or adjustments. That too is how it is. It swings both ways.

But again, it’s a niche game that has been clearly made for a certain audience. Of course that audience, which has loved the series for almost a decade now, will want it to remain true to its roots - and why shouldn’t they? Not everything needs to be aimed at everyone, that’s the beauty of it.

It’s a niche game, driven to the west by a core audience of people that have devoted tons of time and dedication to it. Now that it’s got a semblance of mainstream popularity, you get folks crying that they need to be catered to as well. It’s silly and childish, of course fans will get upset about that.

The answer is simple: no. Dark Souls shouldn’t have an easy mode. Can’t play it? Tough. There’s loads of games that I’m fascinated by, but have no skills to play - and I’m not entitled enough to start demanding that everyone accommodates my whims. People should just learn that not everything is going to be for them

Well, considering that the voice acting has easily been the worst part of the new reboot series, I’d say Vikander can rest easy.

It’s appealing to the lowest common denominator of people who think they’re smart or nerdy because they bought a t-shirt featured on the show.


Oh fuck, a sponsor is working to get money as well out of something? Holy shit, say it ain’t so.

Doesn’t explain why gambling sponsors are allowed - that is also illegal in those countries.

Jezebel is extremely anti-sex when it isn’t convenient for them.

Except in real life you don’t play as one gender for half your life and then suddenly are forced to become the other gender.

“Nearly unwatchable”

Since you obviously can’t read, I might point out to you that I’m someone who tried to commit suicide but didn’t, and has been struggling with chronic depression and anxiety since I was twelve.

Yes, when they were still figuring out the character and realized that hey, a mass murderer doesn’t make for a captivating hero. That whole thing lasted for about ten comics, after which for DECADES he’s been established as having one iron clad rule - no killing.

Not much value putting focus on a guy who is a blip, yet you devoted an entire massive article on him when you could have just let him rant on without giving him the time of day to begin with.

Well, you seemed so terribly confused what an adaptation is. I had to help.

So which is it? You’re calling it a remake, the other guy is calling it a sequel, both maintaining that it’s got nothing to do with the source material. Holy madness, Batman!