
Unless you’re equating transgenderism with suicide, I don’t understand what you’re talking about here. One removes you from existence, leaving behind only pain and devastation, the other leaves you alive and well, living more fully because you’ve realized who you are as a person.

Saying “I’m depressed” is not the same as saying “I’m suicidal, I’m going to kill myself, help me.” Your entire base argument is wrong.

If that person said “fuck it, I’m not going to even try to treat this and I’ll let all of you go on knowing that I could have survived if I wanted to” then yes, it is selfish.

My shrink told me point blank that suicide is, and I quote, “a selfish act that serves no one” during some of my darkest periods at the time. It was exactly what I needed to hear, even if it wasn’t what I wanted to hear.

They’re always around, at least that’s what I learned through personal experiences. But writing about how nobody cares about your feelings anonymously online is not a way of getting help, and that’s something that the tumblr-generation has yet to grasp.

Got to the point of actually staring down at the train tracks, counting the minutes for the train to arrive so I could jump, when the thought came to me that, sure, my pain was gonna go away, but that train driver was gonna have nightmares and trauma for the rest of his life, as was everyone else on the platform, as


That’s quite an assumption to make, and certainly one that people in the “survivors” group (though the name sucks) that I belong to would disagree with. Many of us, most I’d dare say, had second thoughts about suicide because we realized how devastating and profoundly selfish and unfair it was towards those that love

While blunt, there really was no reason for resignation. Suicide is an inherently selfish act, meant entirely for the person doing it - and leaving behind nothing but devastation for others to clean. He’s not wrong at all in saying so.

You mean it’s almost like an *gasp* adaptation?

Yes, because characters like Eren Yeager, Sasha Braus, and Jean Kirstein are totally meant to be Japanese and not German.

Why does Hollywood owe representation to anyone? Why aren’t you bitching about the largest film industry in the world (Bollywood) not having more representation?

Wouldn’t recommend it with a mouse and keyboard. It’s not made for it, and it shows.

Four minutes huh? You mean that opening prologue that is exactly the same as it was in the book?

No, just pointing out that out of the two of us I’ve actually watched the show and not just sat there judging it based on hearsay and blindly pretending like Martin’s books don’t have their share of gore and sex to them.

Well, seeing as the show is one of the most highly reviewed in existence, I’d say that the assumption has been proven pretty wrong.

OK, we get it, you’ve made up your mind already that the show is smut and the books are pure and perfect with only hints at some vague notions of indecency.

All sex and gore? Sounds like the books described by someone who hasn’t read them - and that goes for the show too. It’s an impeccable adaptation of the material.

Well, seeing as the HBO show has become miles better than the books in almost all shapes and forms, I for one welcome our new showrunner overlords.

I am, and have been, I’ve no idea what you’re talking about.