
In the world of the Keystone State and Crater-Siberia, the American age of majority could be quite different.

It seems he can't exhale in that place, so it's unlikely that an air tank and regulator would even function.

Some of those lady pilots had their original footage used in Rogue One.

Does this mean Pink Diamond had an Agate we haven’t met yet? One who more than likely would have had some kind of relationship to Rose?

Actually, Yellow Diamond offered Peridot a pick-up via ship. Following orders and letting the Cluster emerge would not have cost her life at all.

No mention of Blue Diamond's personal Pearl? Until our Pearl turned up I thought we might be getting a glimpse of a Pearl before she was inspired by rose to be more than she was made to be. What we saw in Blue's attendant, though, is exactly what Pearl was made to be.

Yes, I suppose they could be some kind of hegemony.

Even when AV Club feels salty?

Most likely just the bug DNA.

I want to see an Amber made on Earth, with a bug in it.

But I am a special snowflake!

Then there's no point in having an empire, interstellar or not. Empires are held for the access to resources for the ruling party, and no other reason. With so few members, each with so few requirements (no food, no water, no air…) the impetus for building an empire goes away. Except for the please of conquest, to

Other planets are known to contain other minerals.

While I don't have a problem with SU being like anime, I must admit, I have no idea what you are talking about.

When Peridot was trying to fly away, before Steven grabbed her I kept expecting Malachite to turn up and grab her through the roof, all Godzilla/Jurassic Park style.

I came across the other day. I didn't look to closely at it, except to make sure no one had used my OCs mineral yet (they had, dammit!) so I don't know if it's worth joining yet.

It's a vehicle more for consent than for sex. It comes down to bodily autonomy, which you are giving up in the creation of a gestalt entity. The benefits being the power increase, which has necessary practical applications that comes up for the Gems on the regular, and also intimacy, which Garnet tends to champion and

Pearls are made by lowly organics. There may yet be Ambers, which have a similar deal, though taking much longer to "cook".

"They ain't!" - Mopmethyst