Marcus J

Exact. This doesn’t erase your so-called shadow profile. They keep all the data they need about you, even if you hide it from your *own* view using this feature. It basically just resets your ad viewing preferences.

You know how people talk shit about dribs who moan about civility and how we just have to have a “rational” conversation with people want to take away civil rights? And how the general policy is fuck those people? That’s what I think when people start advocating for the government to decide who gets to say what, when,

LOL “free service”. You are a dumbass.

Your delusional worldviews are awe-inspiring. If this is some long-game sewing of discord via trolling, it’s a genius act and full marks for creating this detestable persona.

The banks may be awful but they control the money so no one will seriously go after them. Google knows where all the bodies are hidden so the government will never go after them. 

At just $19, employee spit is actually the cheapest thing on the menu.  Trump was probably just upset that it didn’t come in a plastic bag, or with a sling shot, or in glass-sided canteen.

The United States Department of Justice, under Attorney General William Barr, has ignored tradition, precedent and the law and has acted as Donald Trump’s personal law firm.

Ahhhh, the Khaleesi plan.

Yeah, it’s on them, but every single one of us is completely fucked. There’s no way out for any of us. 

It’s on them, but, unfortunately, we pay the price for it as well. I’m not the type to say “cash it all in and smoke ‘em while you got ‘em”, but it’s getting to the point that you have to start thinking about the future in a survival sense and not a retirement sense.  Frankly, we’re getting to that point.

President Donald Trump insisted that he had no exit strategy for a potential armed conflict in the Middle East, because, in his words: “I don’t need exit strategies.”

I don’t care who thought of it. It needs to be implemented. 

Joe don't need any assistance to be a crappy candidate.

Racist doesn't want racist taken off $20 bill. Shocking.