Marcus J

Ah, right. Incorrect but only if you accept the genderification of words which is kind of an archaic, backwards practice.

Smize Cream means “some eyes cream.”

Not seeing the issue. He didn’t put too much emphasis on that word. Unclear what you’re trying to say here.

Which means “We need to include every person in the success of this economy. But if we want to do that, we need to include every person in our democracy.” in English. Perfect grammar.

His Spanish was not grammatically incorrect.

Maybe because he did just that against Texas powerhouse Ted Cruz? And almost won? Beto isn’t anyone’s first choice anymore but don’t pretend to not understand the appeal. He’s young, vibrant, and carries himself with an Obamian air. He’s deeply thoughtful and human and gets that across. His major flaw is that he’s

Anyone who falls for this is a sucker.

Not funny.

Climate Change questions are only good insofar as it relates to the belief in the issue. If you are a denier, you must be designated as such. If you believe in science, that should be a notch in your belt. But make no mistake, at this point there can be no “solution.” We are too far past the point of no return.

You’re only crazy to think that anyone actually cares or notices. Slips just make for easy articles and articles have a half-life of about 14 minutes these days so any and all content will be published. This is especially true if the ostensible topic of the article can lead to a discussion in the comments below about

Facebook, Google, and Amazon all need to be broken up. Most people understand this. Why hasn’t congress addressed this? Hmm. Weird. Maybe just an oversight.

Castro did surprisingly well outside of his little dust up with Beto over immigration law. Beto kind of embarrassed him there. Castro, Beto, and Booker all boosted their cred. Warren did what everyone expected her to do so she didn’t gain or lose anything really. Tonight will be better.


You pointed out nothing and are almost certainly not NA as Warren has zero NA support after the trick she played on them.

True, it’s insane that super-Nazi Ben Shapiro is allowed to broadcast his views.

Conservatives though tend to point it out though

Just break them up already. They might be worse than the banks at this point.

Debate 1 (tonight): Look for Elizabeth Warren to steal Bernie’s platform and claim it as her own. Also look for her no name opponents to make her look like a star.

You are like so super delusional it’s scary.

So the NRA is finished up and closing shop. Good. Pretty straightforward from here.