Marcus J

Not just any cocktail lounge, but Aviary - the cocktail lounge of the Alinea Group.

Says the guy who creates accounts every day to make one comment. You care. You care a lot.

Pretty obvs Nancy P is colluding with Trump and guilty af herself.

I’d rather nail him for the Russian spying and collusion he did but this works in a pinch.

What a horrible thing to say about Bernie. Wow. That’s not really called for. This conversation is over.

Agree. I didn’t pay any taxes last year for that reason. Haven’t heard anything yet. Don’t plan on paying them ever again.

I find it impossible to be optimistic in the face of scientific certainty and facts. I wish I could be.

Does a DNA test work? How about an apology from Warren?

Interesting. So you’d trust a woman who has never accomplished anything outside of improving her own situation through harmful lies and deception, but wouldn’t trust the guy from whom she stole her platform?

You’re entirely right, but who cares? The headline pic is accurate. We’re past the tipping point already and have entered an irreversible climate tailspin. We tried to make them listen and they refused. This is on them. 

AOC said that too.

America’s job isn’t to spread democracy in the Middle East. They don’t want it. They want their theocracy just as it is. So I’m sorry but I get this one. We don’t need to have an exit strategy because exit strategy implies we’re occupying and “rebuilding.” We don’t need a strike on them and if that mistake happens we

You’d rather trust Warren who literally lied about being Native American so she could get better jobs? Man, I... I mean. I can understand not being 100% on board with Bernie - that’s not a good opinion btw - but I can understand why some people think it. But I cannot understand falling for Warren’s “Bernie’s platform

I think what he’s trying to say is that he’s not trying to rebuild or occupy Iran in any way and just wants to “obliterate” them. Could be wrong but doesn’t seem like the kind of guy that wants to “bring democracy to the Middle East.” He just wants to bring them bombs and such.

Totally agree. Warren strikes me as the type of candidate that might forget her pledges while in office, Obamian. I would trust Bernie to get it done.

I wish she’d stop blatantly stealing Bernie’s platform. I get that she’s got an uphill battle given her theft of the Native American identity, but this is not the way.

Bernie’s ideas are great.

Fun Fact: He’s not dead. He’s in Gitmo being interrogated for real this time.

John McCain’s entire story was fabricated. He was never tortured because he gave up whatever info he had. He never used Packers’ linemen as fake info. He had a relatively comfy time. He also caused the USS Forrestal fire. Bad guy. Not a hero.