Marcus Henry Weber

Of course, Stephen Colbert is an exploitative asshole, too. And I think his inner sociopath has come out since Trump was elected.
Court-jesters, all of them.

Unfortunately it turned his innocuous, innocent, shtick into something not so innocent. Instead it seemed calculated and thoughtless. We forgave his mugging for the camera because it was harmless. Not anymore.

When will 'then' be 'now'?
- Soon.
… HOW soon?

Read the novelization of the TV show, it's much better.

Any show with a studio audience/laugh track should have an asterisk.

Uh, it sounds like this movie really sucks. Why does it have a C grade?

This makes me happy, because he's not funny and 'The League' sucks big old unwashed balls.

Thank you, sir. I actually feel better now.

Plot-relevant bits? Like, spending whole minutes watching an old woman go fetch a figurine? Yep, I'm sure she'll turn out to be a really important character.

At least the tweakers were funny and entertaining to watch. Breaking Bad had it's flaws, but they were usually from being slightly fantastical and unbelievable.

This article is a big stretch to continue kissing Vince Gilligan's ass. This episode was boring; not interesting, not fun. Just boring. It didn't pull me closer to the character, it made me want to turn it off and watch something that doesn't put me to sleep.

I don't watch TV for dull, boring, agony. I watch it to be fascinated and entertained. This episode was just fucking boring.

What would you know about it? I liked the other eps. I love Bob Odenkirk. But this episode was just incredibly boring. Stop being a sycophant ass-kisser and call a spade a spade.

Think about what you just said: "You have to have some (boring as fuck, dull, pointless) groundwork…" No, you don't. Every point made in the ep, they already made.

Yeah, and I don't care about any of it. I like plenty of shows that have lots of dialogue and little action— because they are interesting. This is just incredibly dull. Do you care about a single thing that happened in the ep? I didn't.

No, Breaking Bad was not boring. Give us backstory, but don't make it so goddamned dull.

Subtlety? Half the episode was spent watching old people walk from one place to another. That's not sublety, its paint-drying-level boring.

What a waste of an episode.

OMG some cops showed up at Mike's door! So exciting! What a cliffhanger! Maybe show us that storyline instead of wasting an entire fucking episode on NOTHING.

Next episode! Jimmy's brother realizes he can use a gas mower, and mows his lawn for a half-hour. OMG SO ENTERTAINING.