Marcus Henry Weber

Holy SHIT was this episode fucking boring as all goddamned hell. WHO GIVES A FUCK about anything that happened in this episode?

The 4th and 5th were long in coming, too, so they shouldn't have been surprised. His slow writing was a joke among Song of Ice and Fire fans pre-GOT. He just released another sample chapter, however, so maybe he's getting there.

I'm sure GRRM is giving them notes.. But spoilers for the BOOK appearing in the SHOW is a contentious issue. In that case I might stop watching the show until the books catch up..


No Arianne Martell? I wonder if they're combining her character with one of the Sand Snakes..

'the Avengers' was a piece of stinky, stinky crap. If you liked it, you have no taste in movies and I want to punch your mom in the womb.

What, you wanted Superman to be played by Robert Downey, Jr., and throw out corny one-liners while he pours himself a drink (I laughed bitterly and threw popcorn at the screen when this actually, really, not-joking happened in 'the Avengers'), before taking down the bad guy? Thanks for displaying your total lack of

Okay, let me get this straight…. 'The Avengers' gets an A- (one of the most horrible, laughably cheesy, badly-written movies I've ever seen, bar none), and 'Man of Steel' (enjoyable from start to finish) gets a C+? I used to think of the AV Club as a place to go for accurate movie reviews. These two reviews taken

No-one chose Deadwood? Fools.