Uncle Aaron?
Uncle Aaron?
They made Trinidad and Tobago look pretty bad too. They were losing by like 9 goals but celebrated with a reggae beat when they got one in.
You know, I gotta be honest: my mother really needs...a bikini.
2 minutes for....roping?!?!
To this day, I still don’t understand why Iceland was the villainous country in D2. “The Dentist” is one of the greatest nicknames I’ve ever heard, though.
This movie was the reason I brushed my teeth so diligently when I was younger. I was horrified that, should I not, my parents would take me to see Coach Wolf “The Dentist” Stansson.
“Güd würk, Captun Duck!”
Fuck the Icelandic team so hard. They were the villains that defined my childhood.
I hate this National Hat Day bullshit. I’m going dancing instead. You can come too if you want to. But don’t bring your friends. They don’t dance, so they’re no friends of mine.
I rate this a 6 on the Metrodome scale.
you would think someone would act as informer when it was at 12 inches of snow
They should have double Czeched the construction before the gym opened.
That one kid who runs out 45 seconds slower than everybody else: me in HS gym class.
Looks like the gym Czech’ed itself in advance.
It’s hard to amp up a discussion like this. Conducting puns isn’t easy.
It’s a really polarizing issue.
AHHHHHH oh my gucking god sorry for ranting here but I was just watching Fox Pregame and when talking about the Chargers moving it was all apologetic and blamed the lack of stadium funding.