
Fact: every NFL team receives more in TV money than their salary-capped payroll. Any other revenue on top of that is gravy. That’s what these titans of free enterprise have engineered. A social-netted, taxpayer-funded cash cow.

Has a city “Bye Felicia”ed a team as hard as San Diego seems to have done to the Chargers?

This is where I reraise the idea of having a few dozen sites around the country to host NFL games and release teams from the tethers of individual geographic alignments. Maybe there are a few towns wedded to their particular teams (to which I say, get over yourselves, Green Bay), but you can’t tell me The Cowboys vs.

Much like the name “Adolf” or the suffix “-gate”, the phrase “dispense with the fiction” needs to be forever retired, lest the user be linked with this turd:

Right? It drives me nuts when people hand-wring over a player wanting more money from the team, or taking a pay increase to go elsewhere. This is a business, and these guys have a limited number of years to earn ALL their money. It’s that simple. These owners are crusty billionaires, usually through old family money.

But conversely, not all of Philip Rivers kids were in the photo.

Basically this has been the Chargers and the City of San Diego for years.

If there is a silver lining here, as the NFL becomes more and more nakedly capitalistic, you will hopefully have less people feeling righteous indignation when the players try to take a bigger piece of the pie from the owners, who they seem to believe create the value and graciously pay the players. 

Funny thing about the photo of the Chargers last home game, all of the Chargers fans in attendance were Philip Rivers kids

I read in SI that the Chargers will play two seasons in the LA Galaxy’s soccer stadium (capacity 27,000). They will be second fiddle not just to the Rams, but to a MLS team. That’s good stuff.

Look. Alex. That’s just urinalysis.

That’s just poetry.

So, with the balls?

“Quietest brother gets no milk.”

Way to cherry pick that quote, assholes.
Buffer goes on to clarify, “But also with breasts...but with nipples, which Chuck also has/had. I mean, I guess they’re still there. But also with cornrows and without the goatee. Also, they have different taste in movies, but that wasn’t a big part of their fight plans,

So then she has balls, right?

She’s just like a female Russian Olympian, without testicles.

“If this is the dumbest thing you hear in a UFC podcast, it’s not an official UFC podcast.” - Dana White

And he’s implying that he KNOWS Chuck Liddell doesn’t have one.

Quoth the Raven, nevermore.