

Idiot dropped his back shoulder. Poor technique.

Asshole didn’t replace his divot.

Well at least now he has a handicap

One in hole!

I hate to be “that guy” but as a former Ivy League scramble band member (not Columbia) I’d like to point out that most of us have respect for our football teams. Sure they’re not a threat to beat Alabama but they’re your classmates, you’re ostensibly there to support need to call it “some of the worst

Hot take.

... but can play flute! Kind of. Ok not really.

So after reading about scatter bands I learned thats its for people who can’t march in time and who aren’t funny enough for the college sketch/improve group

Counterpoint: Scatter bands are terrible and are finally getting treated as such. I have no problem with a college not having a traditional marching band due to expense, resources, hell out of spite. Scatter bands, however, insist on half-assing and doing the bare minimum to count as an “activity” while flaunting the

There are probably ways for a band to be incisive without being offensive, and nobody really looks for bands to make social commentary. It’s a distraction during the breaks of actual gameplay.

The only complaint I ever have about Deadspin is that sometimes it is hard to tell when I am supposed to laugh at the plight of the story’s subjects or not.

I went to Columbia a few years before you. Virtually everyone I knew thought the Marching Band was a stupid embarrassment and neither particularly funny nor clever. Its demise can’t happen quickly enough. Sorry.

“Ka’Deem Carey has been fined $6,076 for a uniform violation.”

“This is great since you can’t spell ‘concussion’ without C.” - Roger Goodell

Is there some sort of journalism governing body that I can write to and ask that only Deadspin be allowed to name scandals? Ballghazi was parsecs better than Deflategate, and Wakeyleaks is just inspired. Any ideas for replacing Pizzagate?


“Hey, Wake Forest, the same thing happened to me at Antietam!”

I’d say money....but...