
Apparently, they’ve also outlawed the drag bunt.

I would expect it’d fall off the wall and injure RGIII.

If someone affiliated with the Bills is going out on a limb, I bet there’s a table underneath it.

He also guarantees that come February 5, 2017 he’ll be sitting on his couch smoking Buffalo’s finest spice.

They had to throw away the board that counted days without a workplace injury when they signed RGIII.

He’s right, of course. Technically, season ticket holders were the first team to lose to the Browns this year.

I expect the Browns to use this as bulletin board material. Right next to their “Hang in there” kitten poster.

“We definitely will NOT lose the next 3 Super Bowls. I guaran-damn-tee you that much!” - Jim Kelly, 1990

Standards have definitely lowered in Buffalo over the past 25 years.

This will surely be used as bulletin board material by the Browns.

But he also played over two decades ago, and athletes have evolved to a ridiculous degree since then, with LeBron serving as the ideal 21st century prototype.

This is what I think about every time Mercury Morris shows up to run his mouth about their perfect season. Most people, given a time machine, would use it to

Seriously. I understand the importance of weddings to some people, but this is an insane request.

They told me, as a groomsman, not to drop acid before my friend’s wedding, but fuck it, they were divorced in 18 months anyway, which I foresaw.

First Energy Stadium is an altar to the old gods. We summon them today with another perfectly hideous performance. Do not stand in our way, blogger.

We did, and now Linda in the mail room insists we call her The Skull Queen. And she won’t give the families all those skulls back.

small businesses around america say they need help to survive in an increasingly hostile business environment, but let me ask my small business owner friends this: why haven’t you injected your employees with steroids and forced them to battle each other on top of ladders while wearing thongs?

People in Vancouver are going to be ragged tomorrow.  

You say unintentional dong. I say proof that God exists and wants us to be happy.

Inevitably, everything associated with Portland is perceived as dickish.

I would imagine the blue, ball-like section will be dispersed once the orange enters the warm, moist red section...

Winter Storm Richard