
Those kids in Namibia are gonna be so confused when they get their Indians Championship t-shirts.

He had a side bet with Pete Rose that the Indians would win. “3-1" were the odds Pete gave him.

It’s a real kick in the nuts.

You know what else sucks? Getting kicked in the dick.

There are fireworks going off in the NW suburbs and Evanston is supposed to be running its tornado sirens.

Friend stole this and sent me it

David Ross will retire with more rings than A-Rod. This makes me happy.

Cubs win! Cubs win!

They are going to make a dope 30 for 30 about just this game.

If only there were a recent meme to describe what it is like to blow a 3-1 lead and lose the championship at home, that would be perfect

“ do not be angry with the rain; it simply does not know how to fall upwards”

I thought for sure we’d have flying cars and hoverboards before this happened.

Good for the players, good for Theo, good for the fans. Fuck the owners.

You just know there was some 100-year old Cubs fan who passed away during the rain delay.

Huh. So it turns out there is no curse, and they just sucked for over 100 years?

Hope everybody enjoyed the series finale of baseball.