
The fastest-growing sports show in America, brought to you by Cialis.

Skip and Shannon break down the “head-to-head matchup” that occurred after David Ross’s HR. This is one (more) episode of Undisputed you will want to miss.

My working theory was that Tiffany is under the blanket and Donald Jr. is sitting on her lap.

Family of the Year: Honors a family for its contributions to the game, and for representing the virtues and ideals of golf and family.

We also would have accepted John Wilkes Booth.

As someone who has seen 99%+ of Bears plays over the last 13-14 years, that was the best thing this team has done in that time period.

I see Jay Cutler is going as Lee Harvey Oswald this Halloween.  

Here’s a start to the party...

Always the Tiffany, never the Ivanka, eh Chris?

Don’t be too hard on him. Bad puns are in his jeans.

Crazy, right? These stadiums have a rich and storied history of paying for themselves and benefiting everyone around them.

I’ll bet no one saw anything like this coming. Usually these public/private partnerships are great for both parties and a real positive for the surrounding community.

There’s no evidence that team officials are cooking the books at Levi’s, although they may have been acid-washed and distressed.

A suburban stadium that turns into a financial boondoggle for the municipality that encouraged a pro sports team to locate outside its major market?

I know this article is 3 years old, but I figured I’d chime in anyway.

U support his right to illustrate the lynching of a black person?...good to know

Oh, West Town of course. Until they are expecting...the city is no place to raise a child!


I was given tickets to the Rose Bowl in 2011. Not really caring about either team, I thought it would be great to just go to the Rose Bowl and enjoy the game. The level of shittiness that those fans displayed was astounding. Those fans deserved the outcome of that game.

Shoutout to everyone yelled at me when I said the Badgers fanbase is terrible.