
One is actual food for offspring, the other is waste material?

props on the most obscure WWII reference I’ve seen in a Deadspin comment section

Dennis Miller approves this comment.

Best. Pickup line. Ever.

Real question is why is the guy blocking the TV camera watching him pee like that?

Hulk Hogan’s lawyers just flew to Washington.

So people can get a ticket from a police officer for peeing in bushes, out of sight of anyone, but this jackass can literally expose himself well within sight of people and children and the NFL is completely ok with it?

The last Aryans to abruptly announce their retirement was Totenkopf at Kursk in 1943.

I am guessing this isn’t the first dick pic Laura has seen but considering what ticket prices are at least she wasn’t behind a concrete column.

One day, when I am remembering some football guys, I will remember Arian Foster. He was a good football guy.

Hey Jon, check out our Spider 2.5 Y Banana

A female trainer for the team says Ben Kotwica was limited in practice (penis).

Nice product placement for the Microsoft Surface!

If a player did this, columns would be written across the country and Goodell would suspend him two games. Four if he were black.

Their fans have been believing it’s rain when Snyder does it on their faces so they can let this go.

Not pictured: Dan Snyder gleefully shitting all over Redskins fans.

It was obviously a critical time of the game. 4th and inch

Something something grassy knoll

Imagine the level of prescient cognition necessary to turn into a dinosaur without being sure the camera is looking, but still having a pretty good idea that you’re about to become world famous. That guy’s a cerebral superhero...slash tyrannosaurus. 

If I were still in college, I’d be like, “What an embarrassing mess of a freak show she is!” and my friends and I would just laugh whenever we saw her around campus.